"I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted, I am only very, very curious." (Albert Einstein)

Air Today, Gone Tomorrow?

Author(s):Mel Dymond Harper and Mo Holkar
Game EMail:info AT epic-experience DOT org DOT uk
Graham Harper    gjh AT servalan DOT net
Melanie "mel" Harper    mel AT herald DOT co DOT uk
Mo "Mo" Holkar    mo AT epic-experience DOT org DOT uk
Organization:The Epic Experience
Home Page:http://www.epic-experience.org.uk
Male Players:Min: 8 / Max: 10
Female Players:Min: 8 / Max: 10
Neutral Players:Min: 8 / Max: 10
Total Players: Min: 24 / Max: 30

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It's chocks away at Bassethwaite International Airport as the world's press assemble to watch the maiden flight of Mammon Inc.'s new luxury airliner. Tickets are like gold dust, but before you board will you be able to cope with stress? drugs? incomparably bad singing? smuggling?... and that's just the pilots. Will the flight lift up, up and away, or will Mammon's hopes crash and burn on the runway?

Harper, Graham

Graham is bag carrier, IT support and occasional proofreader and NPC for the Epic Experience.

Harper, Melanie

Usually to be found writing games in a hurry, and/or swearing at technology.

Holkar, Mo

Member of the Epic Experience team, purveyors of fine freeforms for the discerning since 1993. At previous Consequenceses we've run Veni Vidi Bassethwaite, Interr'd with Their Bones, Over the Edge and The Show Must Go On.

Mo also administers the Consequences website.