"We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released." (Jean Houston)

Extraordinary Consequences, November 17-20, 2011, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Extraordinary Consequences starts in -4817 days, -12 hours and -18 minutes!

Charities we're supporting

Consequences is proud to support the following charities:

The Addis Ababa Women’s Fistula Hospital

The Hospital is world-renowned for its treatment of women who have suffered terrible injuries during childbirth. They have treated over 20,000 patients, many of whom have endured years of incontinence and shame. Women come to the Hospital from all over Ethiopia. They arrive in a terrible state. They are mourning the stillbirth of their baby, incontinent, rejected by their husbands, homeless, unemployable and without friends. They are refugees not from political persecution but from societal disdain.

At the Hospital they are looked after in a warm and loving atmosphere and given free re-constructive surgery. After only three weeks they are completely cured and well enough to return home and to start living a normal life once more.

95% of all the women who come to the Hospital are cured after a simple operation that costs just £100.


Help the Hospices

Help the Hospices logo

250,000 terminally ill adults and children rely on hospices every year.  Each of these patients will be a mother or father, brother or sister, friend or colleague. At home, in day care and in the hospice, the care they receive is tailored to their own individual needs, and is given free of charge. Collectively, hospices must raise over £300 million every year to keep going.  The generosity of our supporters enables Help the Hospices, as the national charity for the hospice movement, to help local hospices give outstanding care and support to their patients, together with their friends and families.


Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Hearing dogs logo

Nearly nine million of the UK population experience some degree of hearing loss. That's one person in every seven. Over 650,000 of these people are severely or profoundly deaf and could benefit from a hearing dog.  Hearing dogs change lives. They alert their deaf owners to sounds we take for granted, providing greater independence, confidence and security. Whenever possible, the dogs are selected from rescue centres, but they are also donated by breeders and members of the public, with the remainder coming from the Charity's own breeding scheme.  The charity receives no government funding but relies totally on the generosity of individuals and organisations to continue transforming the lives of deaf people.
