"We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released." (Jean Houston)

Extraordinary Consequences, November 17-20, 2011, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Extraordinary Consequences starts in -4551 days, -5 hours and -50 minutes!

Who's Who at Consequences E

Graham Arnold
GM for: Operation Mission Accomplished!

Nickey Barnard
GM for: The Lists of Avalon

steve bassett
Con Chair 2012-2013
GM for: Intrigue Beneath the Waves

Dream "Dream" Cloutman-Green
Bid Committee Chair and Contessa de Cocktail

Most people think that Dream is a professional organiser…

This is not true she has retained her amateur statues in the hope that organisation will be named as an event in the 2012 Olympics.

In the last few years she has been in rigorous training with exercises such as wedding planning, property acquisition, game writing and an exhaustive resistance training regime masterminded by her head coach and husband Jon Cloutman-Green and facilitated by her two assistant coaches Colin Wallace and Andrew “The Ditch” Ditchburn.

When asked what the future holds for this up and coming organisational star she said “I’m hoping to work closely with professional Organisarians such as Sue and Nicky….. maybe in some kind of writing capacity”. Whatever Dreams future holds she is definitely one to watch.

Jon "Jon" Cloutman-Green
Modern Major General (model of)

The (still) young and dashing Jon, returns this year to be GM liaison once more
As the next con approaches, Jon is reminded of the time, when as a young wizzard he was tracked down by an implacable cyborg from the future ..... all because the lady loves milk tray.
Good job that all worked out fine.

Don't forget the sentry guns will be set to fire at anything approaching within 10 metre's keeping you all well back from the con desk not too mention allowing Jon to have all the Ringwood to himself
so there.

Dave Collis
GM for: The Unicorn in Winter

Clare Gardner
GM for: The Deliverance, Miss Maypole and the Christmas Pudding Affair

Jason Gorringe

Hanbury Hampden-Turner
GM for: Foundations, Tabula Rasa

Rachael Hampden-Turner
GM for: Foundations, Tabula Rasa

Graham Harper
GM for: Almost Crazy, Let Nothing You Display, The Quest for El Dorito

Mel "Mel" Harper
GM for: Almost Crazy, Let Nothing You Display, The Quest for El Dorito

Often to be found swearing at technology.

Ben "Kingmob" Harvey
GM for: The Unicorn in Winter

Having helped run the odd Amber throne-war over the years, this is Ben's second year of running one at Consequences.

Alex Helm
GM for: Once The Smoke Clears

Mo "Mo" Holkar
Webslinger Ordinaire
GM for: Almost Crazy, Let Nothing You Display, The Quest for El Dorito

Mo has been playing freeforms for absolutely ages, and writing them (mostly as part of The Epic Experience collective) for almost as long. He is also responsible for maintaining the Consequences website.

Kevin Jacklin
GM for: Hollywood Lives - The British Summer of Love 1968-69

Kevin has been playing in, producing and writing freeform games for the last twenty years. In Hollywood Lives he and co-author Reiner Knizia have married the worlds of freeform and Euro-game to produce an entertaining party mix.

Helen Jones
GM for: The Lists of Avalon

I started roleplaying 20+ years ago, and got introduced to freeforming about 10 years later. Playing a secret bad 'un (the delightful Mrs. Toddington-Blythe) at Suey's birthday game got me well and truly hooked.

Having played in a wide range of games now, and apprenticed in game-writing at Peaky, I've been sucked (suckered?) into helping write and run a game for Consequences, with Nickey and Martin. We felt that Knights of Old was a neglected area with plenty of potential to exploit, so I've taken some time off from secretly ruling the Universe, in order to do so. I hope our players will enjoy the results.

As the blurb says, don't expect the characters to all stick to the archetypes - we've been having some fun with them.....

Martin Jones
GM for: Veterans Day, The Lists of Avalon

The accused accepts partial responsibility for Best of The Wurst, Veterans Day, The Deliverance, and Lists of Avalon.

Sue "Queenortart" L
GM for: Miss Maypole and the Christmas Pudding Affair, Intrigue Beneath the Waves, Veterans Day

I did it my way!

Remember next year it's Steve's problem

Allison Mawhinney
GM for: The Deliverance

Peter Miller
GM for: Star Trek: The Markovian Tendency

Tony Mitton
GM for: Operation Mission Accomplished!, The Linfarn Run, The Koenig Dead, Intrigue Beneath the Waves

Ryan Myint
GM for: To Reign in Hentzau

Tym Norris
GM for: Once Upon a Lily Pad

Georgina Okerson
GM for: Star Trek: The Markovian Tendency

Alan "BenthamFish" Paull
Boardgame Wrangler

I learn, teach, play, design and develop board and card games. Some people might call me a game geek.

I live in Forest Green, Stroud, England. I also inhabit BoardGameGeek, BrettSpielWelt and Yucata (handle is BenthamFish).

I am one of the two main designers and directors of Surprised Stare Games, a small design and publishing company in the UK. We make surprisingly good games!

My published games include:

I am very eclectic in the games I play. These include freeforms, RPGs, CCGs, war, board, card, classic and megagames. Favourites include:

Charlie "SunLion" Paull
Boardgame Wrangler
GM for: Night Train

Alan & I bring and run the boardgames library at Consequences. We're happy to teach, play or lend boardgames at any time. We have a wide range from absolute beginner to genuine geek and all stops in between.

I also write, run and play freeforms. This year I'm running Night Train and playing in a few others.

Richard Perry
GM for: The Deliverance

Nathan Richards
GM for: Operation Mission Accomplished!

Alison Rider Hill
Accommodation Tsaritsa

Richard Salmon
Web Factotum
GM for: Operation Mission Accomplished!, To Reign in Hentzau

Richard has been playing freeforms for rather too many years now

In 2004 he was part of the writing & GM team for Siege of Troy

This year in a spirit of helpfulness he is assistant GM for 'To Reign in Hentzau' (mainly because it was such a spiffing game when he played in it) and hindering Tony Mitton in writing and GMing 'Operation Mission Accomplished!'

Andrew "AJ" Smith
GM for: The Koenig Dead, The Linfarn Run, Intrigue Beneath the Waves

This year, AJ is presenting Dean and Dana Edgell's Intrigue Beneath The Waves , a sequel (of sorts) to Intrigue In The Clouds (which ran at Consequences-B).

He is also pleased to be helping Tony Mitton with episodes old and new in the history of the Kestrel .

Mike "Mike(y)" Snowden
Herr Cocktailmeister
GM for: Veterans Day, Once Upon a Lily Pad

Cat Tobin
GM for: Once Upon a Lily Pad

David Townsend
GM for: To Reign in Hentzau

Anonymised User
GM for: Crisis

Once did nine games at Consequences....and survived......true story :)

Anonymised User
Mistress of the Arts

Anonymised User

Anonymised User
GM for: Last Chance Saloon, Crisis, Putting on the Glitz

Began gaming with the red box, GDW little black books and SJG Fantasy Trip, and it's been all downhill since. Began LARPing in Accrington more years ago than I want to think about. I've been writing games with the Badgirlz team for a while now, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Ideas man, tech, and occasional hologram.

And remember, no plan ever survives first contact with the players.

Anonymised User
GM for: Crisis, Putting on the Glitz, Last Chance Saloon

Anonymised User
GM for: Crisis, Putting on the Glitz, Last Chance Saloon

Anonymised User
GM for: Crisis, Last Chance Saloon, Putting on the Glitz

Have played RPGs and tabletop games since 1982 and still have some of my original dice (although they went on a holiday last year without me). First started larping 3 years ago at Consequences B. I have played a variety of roles from a dominatrix to the Vice President of the USA to Windy Miller. I suffer from frock and stompy boots envy but am seeking therapy for this (retail therapy that is although some believe it is the other sort I really need). Currently having my usual panic of what am I going to wear but as ever am really looking forward to playing with a great bunch of people.

Anonymised User
GM for: Last Chance Saloon, Putting on the Glitz, Crisis

I've been a Bad Girl since the beginning. It's fun. I get to share my crazy ideas with people who appreciate them and then we use them to give other people a fun time. And we sometimes make monsters. What's not to love? I'm the one who does most of the writing and is to blame for most of the evil ideas and plot twists. Can be bribed with mead or chocolate.

Anonymised User
GM for: The Last Voyage of the Santa Anna

Anonymised User
GM for: The Last Voyage of the Santa Anna

Anonymised User
GM for: Last Chance Saloon, Crisis, Putting on the Glitz

Traci Whitehead
GM for: Night Train, Once Upon a Lily Pad

Brian Williams
Another Year, Another Bio
GM for: Intrigue Beneath the Waves

I'm back, this year running Intrigue Beneath the Waves. Not sure what else to say, other than it's an excellent game and you should play it.

Richard Wood
GM for: Once The Smoke Clears

Janet Young