"Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?" (Jean Anouilh)

Fabulous Consequences, November 22–25, 2012, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Fabulous Consequences starts in -4264 days, -21 hours and -10 minutes!

Dulce et decorum est...

A generation after the end of the Great War, surely no-one would be stupid enough to plunge the world into another War? Neville Chamberlain is in Germany negotiating with Herr Hitler to prevent that very idiocy.

In the meanwhile, families and dynasties go on. The Athertons, Earls of Linslade for many generations, continue the traditions nurtured particularly by Honoria, Countess of Linslade, both the second daughter and sister of previous Earls and, by virtue of her marriage to a distant cousin, wife of the present Earl.

You have been invited as a member of the family or a close friend to an intimate dinner party to celebrate the coming of age of Bertram Atherton, 2nd son of the Earl & Countess of Linslade. The Athertons are an interesting family, Valeria is married to John Morley, leader of the British Fascists, Clementina Atherton was one of the early female flyers and Benedicta is the famous campaigning journalist, widow of Winston Romilly.

It should be a fascinating evening!

Author(s):Alison Rider Hill
Game EMail:ibarhis AT gmail DOT com
Alison Rider Hill    ibarhis AT gmail DOT com
Lead GM:Alison Rider Hill
Game System:none
Information for Players:The character sheets should be 4-6 pages long. This is a HISTORICAL game where characters are designed to play the full range of social and political attitudes prevalent Britain in 1938.

The game is set at a formal dinner party which would, at the time, have required white tie or mess kit for gentlemen and formal evening dress for ladies. Whilst this will not be a formal requirement of the game, it would be very nice if players made a nod in that direction!

Please be aware this is a historical game set in a period when some people sincerely believed gender based stereotypes. Also, one character is a German member of the Nazi party and one is married to the leader of the British Fascists. There will also be a member of the Communist Party and a full range of political attitudes in between. This need not be a major part of your game but how you got to believe what you do will form part of your background. Equally there is a theme about what is happening to the Jews in Germany and lots of other things which I am not going to disclose at this point! :-)

Male Players:Min: 9 / Max: 9
Female Players:Min: 8 / Max: 8
Neutral Players:Min: 0 / Max: 0
Total Players: Min: 17 / Max: 17
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Rider Hill, Alison