"Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?" (Jean Anouilh)

Fabulous Consequences, November 22–25, 2012, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Fabulous Consequences starts in -4264 days, -20 hours and -43 minutes!

Small Town Folks

Macy, Nebraska, 1963 ­ a small town like any other. But when the hurricane approaches, twelve people are trapped in an underground bunker. As the storm rages overhead, tensions rise, secrets spill, and long-buried rivalries erupt. If they survive the tempest, the lives of these small-town folks will never be the same again…

Author(s):Tracy Bose, Rob Harris, Mo Holkar, Tony Mitton, Mike Snowden and Cat Tobin
Game EMail:mike DOT snowden AT btinternet DOT com
Mike "Mike(y)" Snowden    mike DOT snowden AT btinternet DOT com
Anonymised User    anonymised AT ishtari DOT co DOT uk
Lead GM:Mo Holkar
Organization:Peaky Games
Game System:Freeform
Information for Players:Costume light, no pregame preparation required. Approximately 6 sheets per player (so far), including character list. Drugs and sexual orientation references, but not required to be played out in game.
Home Page:http://uk-freeforms.wikidot.com/peaky
Male Players:Min: 5 / Max: 5
Female Players:Min: 4 / Max: 4
Neutral Players:Min: 3 / Max: 3
Total Players: Min: 12 / Max: 12
 You must be logged in to signup for this game 

Snowden, Mike

I'm the one with beard, glasses and an armful of props, and hopefully a pint. OK, that's half of the con. Replace "prop" with "PA", and I'm more easily identifiable.

I'm an experienced writer and player, with "Come Hel or Hiawatha" and "Small Town Folks" running here. Previous games include "Veterans Day" and "Carry on at Camp David"

User, Anonymised