"Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?" (Jean Anouilh)

Fabulous Consequences, November 22–25, 2012, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Fabulous Consequences starts in -4264 days, -16 hours and -10 minutes!

Hope Springs Eternal

It's December 1952, and the country is celebrating the start of a brand new era. The young Queen Elizabeth is to be crowned next year and Hope Brothers, Brighton's premier department store, is celebrating its centenary! Originally founded as a curio shop by George and Reginald Hope when they brought back many exotic artefacts from their travels in South America, Hope Brothers has grown into the impressive establishment seen today. To mark the Centenary, an extra special Staff Christmas Party is being held in the brand new Daisy Fresh Milk Bar and the prize for Employee of the Year is a fabulous World Cruise!

Rumours abound of new developments and old feuds. Is the store expanding or on the verge of financial ruin? Will Young Mr. Hope be taking the store's helm this year, in line with family tradition, or will Old Mr. Hope hang on even longer? Will traditional values triumph over new-fangled fads and fashions? Have the staff all done very well, or have some of them been slacking?

The store has closed its doors for the Christmas break, and the party is about to begin....

This is a light-hearted game with a slight flavour of 'Are You Being Served' hidden amongst milkshakes, muffins, mystery and mistletoe.

Author(s):Nickey Barnard, Sue Jolly, Helen Jones, Alli Mawhinney, Tym Norris, Traci Whitehead,
Game EMail:hct AT sabreit DOT co DOT uk
Nickey Barnard    nickeyb AT gmail DOT com
Helen "Oh Exalted One" Jones    hct AT sabreit DOT co DOT uk
Allison "Alli" Mawhinney    allison AT freki DOT co DOT uk
Lead GM:Alli Mawhinney
Organization:Us? You must be kidding
Game System:None
Information for Players:The game is inspired by the well-known TV sitcom, so expect some mild innuendo and silliness, with some additional twists. We will not be attempting to reproduce the TV characters - where's the fun in being predictable? - but some of ours may contain some random similarities. How free you are and how you walk are entirely your own concerns...

The game is set in 1952, so feel free to break out the appropriate clothes from the back of the wardrobe (or borrow from an older generations), but 'period' dress is not required. The store has a renowned Pet Department containing some exotica - NO live phys-reps will be used!

Character sheets will be around 3-4 pages long. Background information will be a couple of pages, if that. We hope to email them out in advance but will also provide printed copies just prior to the game.

Male Players:Min: 5 / Max: 5
Female Players:Min: 4 / Max: 4
Neutral Players:Min: 1 / Max: 1
Total Players: Min: 10 / Max: 10
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Barnard, Nickey

Jones, Helen

Mawhinney, Allison