"Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?" (Jean Anouilh)

Fabulous Consequences, November 22–25, 2012, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Fabulous Consequences starts in -4264 days, -19 hours and -31 minutes!

The Deliverance

A nation mourns…

Captain Cavendish Hamilton, hero of the Battle of Ceres, lost with his ship, the nVanguard, on a routine journey from Mars.

The Deliverance; nearing the end of its journey after the successful rescue of nthree members of the Vanguard.

A daring mission funded by a wife who refused to give up and captained by a man desperate to sail the stars again. The mission a success - but at what cost? Join the crew and solve the mystery of the Vanguard.

You are aboard the Deliverance after the successful rescue of survivors from the Vanguard. Discovery of ancient technology enabled the leading nations of the nworld to develop space travel. A shaky peace holds in Europe as the nations nrace to stake their claim to the “New World” but old prejudices die hard. In space the old social barriers have started to break down to the extent that is now not unheard of for women to travel the stars working alongside the men.

Author(s):Clare Gardner, Martin Jones, Allison Mawhinney and Richard Perry
Game EMail:sailpunkgames AT gmail DOT com
Clare Gardner    cgardner2511 AT gmail DOT com
Allison "Alli" Mawhinney    allison AT freki DOT co DOT uk
Richard "Gladiator" Perry    richard DOT perry80 AT ntlworld DOT com
Lead GM:Clare Gardner
Game System:None
Information for Players:Character sheets are minimum five pages long. A few pages of A4 background ninformation.

Costume is light regency – for men casual “pirate/flouncy” shirts, trousers, nboots - if you wish to wear more formal clothing you may, but this is not a nnaval ship so uniform is not necessary.

For women – there will be at least one female character dressed similar to the nmen and at least one character fully frocked up. Everyone else can costume nsomewhere in between the two.

Male Players:Min: 6 / Max: 6
Female Players:Min: 4 / Max: 4
Neutral Players:Min: 0 / Max: 0
Total Players: Min: 10 / Max: 10
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Gardner, Clare

Mawhinney, Allison

Perry, Richard