"Gothic… hidden… behind the veneer of virtue." (Edgar Allan Poe)

Gothic Consequences, November 21–24, 2013, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Gothic Consequences starts in -3987 days, -13 hours and -58 minutes!


Scheherazade: The Queen must die!

Nehmera is the Panguin, the wife of Padishah Mahmud, ruler of the great land of Orum and its vassal lands of Chem and Lyria. She has been accused of adultery and if found guilty she will be executed. Her co-accused the Captain of guards Ramuda, has fled and cannot be found. Letters between the two have been produced and witnesses swear to have seen the two meeting in secret in a house just beyond the palace wall. However, since Ramuda cannot be found and questioned, and the two have not been caught together the case remains unproven. Nehmera has invoked an ancient right of Trial by Scheherazade. According to this she can ask that her innocence or guilt be decided by advocates on both sides telling morality tales either in her defence or to her detriment. The court will vote secretly by coloured beads placed in a jar, after each tale is told. Storytellers from all the realm and from neighbouring lands applied to take npart, as it is a great honour. Ten have been chosen by drawing lots, five to speak for the queen and five to speak against. In the event of a tie her guilt or innocence will be decided with Trial by Jewel.

The Scheherazaden

The fabulous sapphire “Scheherazade”, is kept in the almost impregnable strong room below the palace. The size of an ostrich egg it is unique, being so pale a blue it is almost white, but it's interior dazzles with a myriad bursting rainbows. The old tales say it has magical powers far beyond the knowledge of the greatest priests and scholars of any age. It is said that in the wrong hands it could open a portal to hell itself. The gem will be brought out under close guard, placed in the Hand of God in the Hall of Judgement where the Queen must hold it with both hands until it is certain the judgement is complete. If she survives she is innocent. This has not been done for many hundreds of years. No one knows what may happen. Many hope it nwon’t get that far.

The fate of the Queen lies in the hands of a court full of lies and intrigue, where old rivalries and new jealousies simmer beneath a thin veneer of culture and civility. Centuries-old superstitions and fables haunt the Palace and modern ideals seek to be recognised. Will justice be done?

Scheherazade is a freeform game for 30 players. (Only ten will need to be story tellers to a strict guideline and time limit.) This is an experimental format with the stories performed to a strict timetable at intervals through the game.(Approximately 11 female, 19 male.)

Author(s):fona lloyd
Game EMail:gwaunques AT gmail DOT com
Christian "CJ" Jensen Romer    chrisjensenromer AT hotmail DOT com
Karim Kronfli    karim AT kronfli DOT co DOT uk
fiona "gwaunquest" lloyd    gwaunquest AT gmail DOT com
Charlie "SunLion" Paull    charlie AT alanpaull DOT co DOT uk
Hugh Wake    epaminondasofthebes AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk
Lead GM:Fiona Lloyd
Organization:The Usual Suspects
Game System:none
Information for Players:There will hopefully be a website prior to the game with all the background so that it can be read in advance of the character sheets, but the same will be supplied in written form. I anticipate no more than three/four pages of size 10 font. Costuming would be great but need not be a requirement.

Website now online (hopefully). This is just to give anyone thinking of signing up an idea of the background and flavour of the game.


Home Page:tbd
Male Players:Min: 15 / Max: 17
Female Players:Min: 8 / Max: 10
Neutral Players:Min: 3 / Max: 3
Total Players: Min: 26 / Max: 30
 You must be logged in to signup for this game 

Jensen Romer, Christian

CJ ("Christian Jensen Romer" was a fantastic pierce of baptismal bluff by his parents to make him sound more interesting than he really is)is a ghosthunter, psychical researcher and research parapsychologist in the 'Real World'.

In the world of games & conventions he is a fairly average kind of chap, who enjoys talking too much, playing boardgames and has written a number of RPG books for several systems, but most recently his contributions have mainly for Ars Magica 5th Edition. Or so he would have you believe...

CJ was a teenage Goth, and went on to a university career where he aspired to becoming "The Byronic Man", and succeeded only in becoming "mad & bad" but is rarely "dangerous to know". A debauch'd seducer of ladies,his wicked heart and sinister demeanour hide only macabre ancestry and terrible secrets. Gothic Consequences is the kind of place where innocent maidens and stout-hearted youths must use all their wiles to avoid his baleful influence.

Kronfli, Karim

Gamer, Actor. Voice About Town.
Karim has been playing and running live action games since 1987.
Been there, seen it, and bought too many t-shirts for his own good.

lloyd, fiona

I think I am the oldest attendee - I certainly feel like it

Having writed a game by accident and then had to alter it into another game I thought I should probably write a proper one.

I have written for the stage a lot and dabbled in story writing and done lots of GM writing for TT and some for LARPs. I have only one objective with games and that is to have as much fun as possible - with a bit of angst thrown in for balance.

I live on the Time/space rift so life is always a case of jumping from ledge to flagpole whilst dodging the flying mutants and solving a 3D puzzle whilst stopping for the occasional Tequila.

Paull, Charlie

Alan & I bring and run the boardgames library at Consequences. We're happy to teach, play or lend boardgames at any time. We have a wide range from absolute beginner to genuine geek and all stops in between.

I also write, run and play freeforms. This year I'm running our new game Old Nick's Game as well as Sword Day and playing in a few others.

Wake, Hugh