"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts." (Henry Miller)

Heroic Consequences, November 20–23, 2014, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Heroic Consequences starts in -3736 days, -6 hours and -20 minutes!

Hollywood Lives: Seventies' Subversion

The 1970’s – the decade that time forgot – is making a comeback! For years it has been overshadowed by its elder sibling – the trippy-hippy Sixties – but it is in the later decade that saw the counter-revolution hit full swing. The darker themes of Seventies: the ending of the Vietnam war, Watergate, the never-ending Cold War, three-day weeks and winters of discontent – were often counterbalanced by escapist (and surrealist) television and film industries. In contrast to the dark shadows cast by politics, the movie business was in never better shape… a new wave of hotshot young American directors, an explosive martial arts scene from Hong Kong, burgeoning gritty Australian magical realism, hard-edged but funky Blaxploitation from urban USA, and a punk movement that crash-landed bringing anarchy to (& from) the UK.

Of course there were also a few duds among the cinematic gems. Tiring spy franchises, less than horrific horrors, television sitcom spin-offs, cash-in musicals, lo-fi sci-fi, frankly limp British porn, aborted epics from enigmatic and reclusive directors… all were part of the Seventies mix. And yet… it is the decade that laid the foundations for the movie industry as we know it today. The summer blockbuster came of age, where movies became an event in themselves. Toy and fast-food franchises queued at the doors of the studios to be associated with the latest mega-trend. The kids, as ever, were all right…

In the Hollywood Lives: Seventies Subversion each game round requires the players to make a movie from the decade of dark infamy. There will be two rounds, so you get to make a pair of movies. The movies available will come from a wide swathe of genres, to suit all tastes.

So, it’s time to don your platform boots/cheesecloth shirt/Ziggy catsuit/ripped T-shirt (delete as applicable) and put on a pair of your grooviest glittery shades. Down with the government! Sod the establishment! We’ll do the show right here!...

For those of you who are new to Hollywood Lives, this is great way to kick off your weekend at Consequences. Players take the role of actors appearing in two movies. Once you are cast, it’s your task to devise the trailer to that movie – as we know all the really good movies explain everything in their trailers. You get to watch the trailers created by the other teams and then to vote on them in the Academy Awards – so be ready with that acceptance speech! Some players try to become the highest star in the firmament, while others turn movie producer and grab as much cash as they can… but however you play the main goal is to have fun!

Hollywood Lives is by Kevin Jacklin and Reiner Knizia.

Author(s):Kevin Jacklin and Reiner Knizia
Game EMail:jacklink AT convivium DOT org DOT uk
Kevin Jacklin    jacklink AT convivium DOT org DOT uk
Lead GM:Kevin Jacklin
Game System:None
Information for Players:In each round, three or four movie trailers will be produced. Here are some of the most likely titles (although further suggestions are welcome).

Round One: • Apocalypso Now • The Week of the Falcon • The Man Who Fell to Perth • The Great Bog ‘n’ Roll Swindle • Star Jaws • Barbiturella

Round Two: • Kung Po Dragon • Skippy vs. Lassie • Thunder, Plunder, Chunder • Shift • Solent Blue • Hello Cleveland!

Props & Costuming: The Hollywood Lives props & hats collection – including the infamous shrunken elephant’s-trunk masks – will be available to players at Consequences to add extra dimensions to you movie trailer. Players are encouraged to bring along with them whatever they think suitable (e.g. space ray-guns, cloaks, masks etc.) – especially if you know which trailer you have a mind to appear in!

Male Casting… • Lee Bruce • Smokey Barley-Water • Sean Flannery • Albert Hatchplot • Steve McSheen • Richard Nestlé • John Revolta • Jonny Rotter • Michael Payne • Iggy Zowie

Female Casting… • Ursula Andrex • Jane Fondant • Penny Laine • Lisa Martinelli • Aretha Mint • Olivia Newtron-Bombe • Julie Salts • Lauren Sofia • Una Stumps • Dawn Under

Extra Casting… • Sidney Cubic • A.A. Eveready • Joey LeRoux • Pat McNeehan • Lee Marvel • E.G. Robinson • C.C. Senior • Alex Stout • Rex the Wonder Hound • Chubby Zucchini

Casting: let me know if there is anyone in particular who you would like to portray, and if they are not already taken then I’ll be happy to allocate them to you. But don’t worry if you turn up on the night uncast – you won’t be disadvantaged in any way.

Home Page:www.convivium.org.uk
Male Players:Min: 5 / Max: 10
Female Players:Min: 5 / Max: 10
Neutral Players:Min: 0 / Max: 10
Total Players: Min: 10 / Max: 30
 You must be logged in to signup for this game 

Jacklin, Kevin

Kevin has been playing in, writing, producing and promoting freeform games for more than 20 years. A successful trilogy of co-written games, beginning with Home of the Bold in 1992 were the mainstay of the Convulsion convention, and introduced many stalwarts of the UK Freeforms group to the genre. Kevin produced the first UK weekend-long game of Cafe Casablanca under the Convivium banner in 1995. Kevin also enjoys boardgames, and it is through his association with designer Reiner Knizia that he has devised Hollywood Lives, which aims to meld together the constructive anarchy of freeforms with the world of high-pressure movie production and finance in an entertaining way.