"Often she felt as though she had been picked up and turned about like a kaleidoscope, that all her complacent assumptions had been shaken up and reassembled in a different order." (Judith Lennox)

Kaleidoscopic Consequences, November 23–27, 2017, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset

Submitting a Game

We are seeking out a diverse selection of LARPs / Freeforms, Live games, call them what you will, in as many different styles and genres as we can find. Ask ten LARPers what LARP is about and you'll get thirteen different answers. We're trying to find interesting games that satisfy as many of those possibilities as we can. We encourage new authors to submit games as much as we recruit experienced authors. We also encourage authors who've never run anything before to submit, but we would suggest a maximum of one game in this case, if you are an established group or GM we would welcome a maximum of two submissions, in the initial stages. If you're an inexperienced GM and you would like some additional support prior to and/or during your game then let us know and we will try our best to allocate you someone to help.

We'd like to give lots of people a chance to run a game. and we'd like our GMs to get the chance to play some games as well. Whether it's a new game or one that's been run before, we're interested in what you have to propose.

We will comp (give complementary membership of the con to) one GM per six players, and we are prepared to negotiate if you need something different.

1–6 players = 1 GM
7–12 players = 2 GMs
13–18 players = 3 GMs
19–24 players = 4 GMs
25 players upwards = 5 GMs


Please fill out the submission form with as much information as possible. This is the best way to help us evaluate your submission quickly.



What kind of games are you looking for?

What kind of players come to Consequences?

When do I have to get my submission in?

What happens when I submit my game?

Other Frequently Asked Questions About Submitting

What do I have to know if I become a GM at the con?

Con GM Policies and Services

Submission Deadlines

Consequences solicits submissions for games in rounds, as needed, based on the number of registrants we get. It's our goal to have a great schedule of games up as early as possible!

Game submissions received before the deadline will be evaluated in a timely manner. Early submissions will get an early decision!

  • 7th May 2017 – First Bid Closure Date – All bids received up to and including this date will be scheeduled if accepted with equal priority.
  • 28th May 2017 – Initial Schedule Announcement - All games accepted on or before the first closure date will be placed on this schedule.
  • 11th June 2017 – Second Bid Closure Date – All games received up to and including this date will be on the schedule for sign ups.  They will be added to the schedule when they have been accepted.  All games bid after this date will not be guaranteed to be placed on the schedule before sign ups.
  • 25th June 2017 – Schedule Lock Down for Sign Ups – No new games will be added to the schedule until 1 week after sign ups finish (4th August 2017).

Games will be announced as and when they are accepted, games accepted after 28th May 2017 will also be announced with their location and slot time within the schedule.

Sign up dates 11th, 19th & 27th July 2017 all at 9pm.

Round Submission Deadline Decision Date
First: April 13th April 20th
Second: June 15th June 22nd
Consequences schedules games as needed
to meet registration demands

Consequences actively solicits submissions in the months leading up to the convention. As the convention attendance grows, based on registration numbers, we may need a third round of submissions.

Why Submit Early?

There are several great reasons to get your game submission in early:

  • You're likelier to get the time slot you desire. As the schedule fills, the prime time slots fill up.
  • Your game gets more publicity and advertising. It's likelier to fill earlier, which will give you more time to cast and plan.
  • You get a better chance at attracting the players who know that it's smart to sign up early for games.

If you have any questions, please ask our Submission Chair: gamebids AT consequences DOT org DOT uk