"You have to put yourself in a position to be lucky." (Roelof Botha)

Lucky Consequences, November 22–26, 2018, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset

Consequences Contacts

The following people are in charge of various aspects of the Consequences L convention:

Con Chair Nick Curd info@consequences.org.uk
Treasurer Janet Young payments@consequences.org.uk
Advertising Nick Curd info@consequences.org.uk
Game Bids AJ Smith gamebids@consequences.org.uk
GM Coordinator Jon Cloutman-Green gmliaison@consequences.org.uk
Site Liaison Alison Rider-Hill accommodation@consequences.org.uk
Operations Nick Curd info@consequences.org.uk
Security Mo and Sue security@consequences.org.uk
Registration and
Event Signup
Nick Curd info@consequences.org.uk
Trader Liaison Jon Cloutman-Green traderliaison@consequences.org.uk
Boardgames Charlie and Alan Paull boardgames@consequences.org.uk

Introducing the Committee

Nick Curd

Tribe Chieftain

Janet Young

Finance Consigliere

AJ Smith

Sifter of Arcana

Jon Cloutman-Green

Wearer of many hats

Alison Rider-Hill

Accommodation Tsaritsa

Charlie and Alan Paull

Boardgame Wrangler

The Bid Committee:

Mo Holkar

Sue Lee

Andrew Smith

Martin Jones

Christi S

Julia Nienaber

Ray Hodson

Nick Curd

Jeff Diewald

Adina Schreiber